PADI Rescue Diver Course
The PADI Rescue Diver Course is the next step in the PADI system of Certification after completing the PADI Advanced Open Water Course. The Rescue Course is viewed by many as the most satisfying course they ever complete, as not only does it increase your rescue skills but enhances your general awareness of the whole safety aspects of diving! This course will not only make you more prepared to go diving with others and make you a more desirable, safer buddy.
This three to four-day program consists of a mixture of challenging but rewarding theory confined water and Open Water sessions in our spacious training facilities. The PADI Rescue course will increase your enjoyment of diving and expand your knowledge. Skills taught include Self Rescue, Out of Air Emergencies, Tired and Panicked Divers, Missing, and Unconscious Divers. One prerequisite of the PADI Rescue Course is to have a PADI EFR Course or an equivalent, current First Aid Certification. Taught in a maximum group of 4, your PADI Rescue Instructor will train you to react with confidence in many different underwater emergencies. Your ability and comfort in responding to an emergency or to prevent an emergency will improve, to the extent where your next move in the PADI system will be to turn professional!
Day 1 React Right Course 4 hrs
Day 2 9 am for pool session 1 & theory review
2 pm Open Water dive 1
Day 3 8 am pool session 2 & more theory review and exam
2 pm Open Water dive 2
Day 4 8 am Open Water dive 3 & complete an exam
The Rescue Diver course is a must for all who want to improve their own safety and standard of diving, as well as improve their awareness of others and to prevent potential problems they may encounter. For more information about how to become a safer, more confident PADI Rescue Diver, contact us at