Reef Restoration
The reef ecosystem in front of Manta Dive Gili Air has grown considerably in the last 5 years. We have aided in its restoration by adding biorock structures to give additional protection for the delicate reef ecosystem.
The science behind the Biorocks
The biorocks are basically a metal structure that provides shelter and structure for corals and fish to live. They are then connected to a low voltage current (of course not harmful to snorkelers etc) which creates a reaction that speeds the formation of calcium carbonate, or reef, as we know it. This then coats over the metal structure and secures any broken corals that have been attached to it in place. Then the corals can firmly attach to the structure and continue to grow. This works perfectly here as pieces broke by anchors and divers can be recovered and relocated on a biorock to survive.
Join us and Volunteer
We started this project with the Green School in Bali. Students designed, built and installed the first structure at in the Manta Gili Air garden. We then spent several days collecting broken corals from sites around the Gilis and attaching them to the biorocks.
This was just the beginning, as now 6 years later, we have 14 structures in place and are planning for more. They have been very successful in providing habitat, increasing fish density and diversity. The biorocks are installed and maintained by volunteers from Manta Dive Gili Air and the Gili Eco Trust.
Please contact us if you would like to contribute to our biorock project. If you are a diver visiting us at Manta Dive Gili Air, we have collection and gardening dives on our biorocks. But they are most enjoyed from snorkeling depths, as they range from 1 m to 3 m depth. Please come visit our growing coral garden at Manta Dive Gili Air, but please be respectful to the growing corals. No touching, no taking, and please, no standing on the reef!